In the foreground, a woman sits in concerned thought. In the background, her partner sits with his head in his hand. They are frustrated about vaginal dryness during menopause and its effects on their intimacy.

Why is it that women can openly talk about hot flashes and mood swings but when it comes to vaginal dryness during menopause, often the most bothersome of menopausal symptoms, it is taboo?

We live in an age where we see male genital dysfunction ads on a regular basis and we want vaginal dryness to get the same attention. It is often a debilitating side effect of menopause that affects a woman’s mood, sexual desire and ultimately her relationships. It shouldn’t be that women must suffer through menopause and ultimately suffer through painful sex (or no sex) with their partner. We want your intimacy renewed. We want your sexuality to be restored!

So, let’s first discuss the “why”s and how it happens.

Women begin their midlife chapter at different times. For some women, it starts earlier than for others. And for some women, it lasts longer than others. The symptoms women experience are the result of decreased production of estrogen and progesterone in your ovaries.

Generally, the physical signs of menopause, called perimenopause, starts when a woman is in her 40’s when the woman’s ovaries gradually make less estrogen. Signs and symptoms of perimenopause are extremely individual. Some of the common symptoms include irregular menstrual periods, heavy or light bleeding, insomnia, hot flashes, worsened PMS, weight gain, vaginal dryness, and possible migraines. With the change in hormones, women may also experience symptoms that effect their mood such as increased anxiety, depression, irritability and intense mood swings. It is very normal for perimenopause to last years.

Don’t let your age define your femininity

The average age for a woman in the U.S. to go through menopause is 52. Menopause is defined as the final menstrual period. A woman will know she has entered this stage once their cycle has stopped for 12 consecutive months. At this stage, the ovaries have stopped releasing eggs and making most of their estrogen. Symptoms of menopause are similar to the ones experienced in the peri-menopausal years.

  • Insomnia
  • Mood swings
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Racing heart
  • Headaches
  • Joint and muscle aches and pains
  • Changes in libido (sex drive)
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Bladder control problems

One of the most common symptoms is vaginal dryness.

Vaginal dryness during menopause occurs when estrogen decreases, and may continue on after menopause. Loss of estrogen does have a real impact on the genital tissue of most women who are menopausal. The genital tissue becomes thin and dry as a result of loss of estrogen, and intercourse is often painful. If the dryness is not treated, it can worsen to the point the tissues become inflamed. This is called atrophic vaginitis. Vaginal dryness is not a disease but can negatively affect a woman’s quality of life. The dryness causes pain during intimacy, itching and everyday discomfort. Once the tissue has become very thin, then damaged repeatedly with the friction of intercourse, the problem of painful intercourse often takes longer to solve. This menopausal symptom can become a real problem and can also lead to vaginal infections, urinary tract infections and incontinence.

It works to restore your delicate vaginal tissues and replenish the vaginal moisture from within.

ReNewed™ Vaginal Suppositories help replenish the natural moisture in the mature woman for days at a time.

Another symptom of menopause not often discussed is the effect on the women’s libido. The loss of estrogen and testosterone following menopause can lead to changes in a woman’s body and sex drive. Menopausal women may notice that they are not as easily aroused, not as sensitive to touch, and react slower to foreplay. This, coupled with vaginal dryness, can lead to a lack of interest in sex.

Do you want to rekindle your intimacy? Start ReNewed™ Vaginal Suppositories and you will be on your way to restoring some fun in the bedroom.

Would you like to know more about the why’s and how’s of menopause? Here are some helpful resources:

North American Menopause Society

National Institute on Aging – What is Menopause?

Women’s Health – Menopause

WedMD – Your Guide to Menopause

Address your vaginal dryness during menopause naturally